The Mangle: Our love-in with the opposition Gary October 17, 2011 The Mangle 14 Comments You know what I said in my first column about us going up as f***ing champions? Well yeah, it’s still pretty ridiculous, but, well, you know… What’s for certain is we’re certainly doing the good side...
The Mangle: When Only Doom Will Do Gary October 5, 2011 The Mangle 26 Comments Damn – why’d we have to go and look like a vaguely convincing defensive unit? Clean sheet? Pah. Don’t they know it’s only going to strengthen ‘Mr Chairman’s position? Tw*ts, the lot of ‘em....
The Mangle: Consistent cock-ups or conspiracy? Gary September 26, 2011 The Mangle 29 Comments So now the dust has settled…what on earth WAS that? Having personally never witnessed such a swift descent from dominance to capitulation, albeit with a slight spoonful of sugar spiking the bitter medicine...
The Mangle: Let’s do the knee-jerk again Gary September 19, 2011 The Mangle 21 Comments We’re going to get relegated. We’ll be up there come May. Grayson: one the finest young managers in England. Grayson: out. White’s the latest in a long line of starlets going to the top. White’s...
The Mangle: Give it up for Leeds’ Elastoplast generation Gary September 9, 2011 The Mangle 13 Comments Let’s get this out of the way: we’re not the most forgiving bunch, are we? We expect pretty big things from the ‘Premier League Quality™’ that Simon and the Propagandists keep banging on about, and...
The Mangle: Lost love letter to Max Gradel Gary August 31, 2011 The Mangle 31 Comments Dear Judas, No, that’s just the bitterness talking. Forgive me, Max, as we forgave you for the one-man insanity exhibition in the must-win game. Just why Max, why? Why now, when we’ve so few points and...
The Mangle: Leeds United's next ‘White Knight’ Gary August 18, 2011 The Mangle 48 Comments We love our White Knights, we do. We’ve had sh*tloads of the buggers, from cipher-like Sheikhs to Sainsbury’s Local, hell, even the Don’s son had his moment in the fading Beeston sun. And they love us...
The Mangle: Leeds In The Mirror Gary August 12, 2011 The Mangle 4 Comments On Saturday, at some point during that, it hit me. Out of shape, confused-looking coaches, staring into nothing like the jock dad trying to take in their highly uncoordinated kid falling in a sack-based...
The Mangle: Leeds v the tainted universe Gary August 1, 2011 The Mangle 13 Comments That first column was a refreshing experience – it’s a great relief to finally be told that I’m an acid-guzzling blinkered borderline Bates apologist. My years of denial are finally over. But actually,...
The Mangle: LUFC, kings of the counterintuitive Gary July 21, 2011 The Mangle 27 Comments The Scratching Shed welcomes Editor of The 1-2-7 Formation, Gary Hartley to the team for an alternative take on life as a Leeds United fan in a new feature called The Mangle (named in honour of Ken Bates'...