Granny-loving banned from Elland Road TSS June 24, 2011 Leeds United 47 Comments Leeds United’s list of banned supporters gained an unusual addition this week as 63-year old Granny of 13, and great-Grandmother of three Margaret Musgrove was given a 12 month ban for invading the pitch during the final home game of the 2010/11 season. The ban would be somewhat understandable if Margaret’s actions were in anyway threatening. If for example, she was on the pitch handing out poisoned hard-boiled sweets or her handbag was targeted at Luciano Becchio then fair enough. The footage on the YEP website however shows an old woman who has lost control of her emotions and simply wants to celebrate with the players – hardly the biggest crime I witnessed at Elland Road last season (the defending would top that list). Elland Road’s stewards are notorious for their sense of humour deficiency and fun prevention methods, but when fans are being banned for celebrating they’ve definitely gone too far. I don’t recall hearing of any bans following the 2009/10 pitch invasion – we’d have no supporters left this season had they taken action there. I appreciate the club can’t have one rule for one, and one for another and pitch invasions can be extremely dangerous and hostile. However, each case needs to be judged on it’s own merit. Storming the pitch to throw coins and missiles at opposition supporters is unjustifiable and a ban is the least these people should expect. But does someone who got a little carried away after a long and emotional season and just wanted to show her love to the players really deserve similar treatment? Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.