Another day, another Betfair rumour! TSS July 19, 2010 Leeds United 50 Comments Another day, another rumour courtesy of the tireless editor of Betfair’s football blog. Today it’s back to Leroy Lita and an alledged 500k bid being prepared from Simon Grayson. With this apparent obsession with Leeds United continuing, I’m starting to think that a day in the life of Betfair’s CEO goes as follows; 6AM – Up early to check what money has been put where on today’s events and alter pricing to suit. 9AM – Into the conference room to discuss the most pressing matters of the day. Top of the list is of course who Leeds United should be linked to today?. 10AM – Just time to grab a quick coffee while your online editor creates his daily masterpiece of rumours and nonsense. 11AM – Realisation that you’re actually running a bookies sets in and you quickly move to ensure everything is running smoothly (set to make a killing in Lehman’s terms) 12AM – Catch up with your online editor over lunch, just to make sure there are plenty of hits flying into your site courtesy of wishful football fans hoping you’ve actually got something to base your stories on. (You haven’t, but what do you care?) 2PM – With everything running smoothly, you decide it’s best to call an executive meeting on the golf course to discuss your plans for a new HQ on a remote island with the executives faces carved into the cliffs. World domination stage one excites you… 5PM – Home for dinner with the wife, smug in the knowledge that your empire is growing thanks to the gullible football fans and their desperate need for news during the close season. Ahh, if only horse racing fans were so easy to manipulate…