If you have something you’d like to get off your chest, The Scratching Shed welcomes article contributions from Leeds United fans across the world.

We can’t publish every article submitted, but to give yourself the best chance, please ensure you’ve adhered to the following guidelines;

  • The article must be your own work and entirely unique to The Scratching Shed. Any article published elsewhere, even if it’s on your own site/blog, will not be considered for publication.
  • Links within articles are fine if they link to relevant information and aren’t being used for commercial and/or SEO purposes. If you write your own site/blog and wish to give it a shout-out, please add the URL to the bottom of the post.
  • Grammar and spelling matters. We don’t expect Pulitzer-level writing from football fans, but we do have to maintain basic standards.
  • Finally, originality is key. The Scratching Shed is a Leeds United fan site and we’ll try to feature as many opinions as possible (even when they differ from our own). However, if a particular topic has already been covered by the site and we feel your article adds nothing new to the conversation, the chances of us publishing it are slim.

We strongly advise you write the article on a word processor and save to your harddrive before submitting here. You should see a confirmation message once you’ve successfully submitted an article. If you experience any problems or have attachments to go along with article (images/videos etc) please email admin@thescratchingshed.com 

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