There is growing speculation that Leeds United are in the midst of takeover discussions.

The latest round of takeover rumours suggest things are progressing rapidly and that Leeds United’s failure to sign anyone since the arrival of Jason Pearce is due to a transfer embargo placed on Neil Warnock whilst takeover talks are ongoing.

It’s easy to be dismissive of such rumours (and indeed, I was) but Ken Bates’ recent radio silence does make you wonder?

An “I’ll believe it when I see it” reaction on Twitter drew quite a few responses, many of which – including The Square Ball – are convinced there’s something in this particular rumour.

I personally think there have always been people willing to buy Leeds United Football Club, but Ken Bates has been reluctant to sell. If that’s changed and he has put the club on the market, then I have no doubts whatsoever that LUFC would attract numerous interested parties.

The fact is, there is no other club in English football whose turnover can be increased by as much and as quickly as Leeds United’s. For an investor looking at dipping his toes into the potentially lucrative English football market, Leeds United looks like a solid bet – the club’s valuation would double if someone invested wisely and got us promoted to the Premier League.

What do you think? Is Ken Bates ready to sell Leeds United Football Club, or are our fans getting a little carried away again and believing what they want to believe?

Takeover imminent?

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