Introducing two new members of the TSS team TSS July 30, 2010 Site news 8 Comments In an effort to keep the site busy and loaded with content, I’ve decided to add two new writers to the site. Firstly, we have Tim Hodge, who will be covering the general LUFC stuff alongside myself. Tim Hodge. 20 years old, reluctantly attending art school in The South. It was my dad who passed on the curse of being a Leeds United fan and I started going to games with him as a kid. I don’t get to as many games as I’d like now but do when I can make the schlep alongside my dad and little brother. I’m the worst person in the world to watch football with as my friends and family will testify and I’m hoping that writing about Leeds United can help me control my rants and outbursts on matchdays! When I’m not watching football I like playing (white Roberto Carlos with less pace and less skill – a bit like Andy Hughes). I enjoy a good film, a good book and a good pint. Anxiously awaiting the return of Premier League football. MOT Tim already has experience in the world of blogging, as he also writes his own blog which you can view here. Alongside myself and Tim, we also have Ryan – a Leeds United fan cursed by having to live in Hull. Ryan will be taking over the ‘Interview with an away fan’ feature I randomly wrote last season, hopefully meaning we’ll have one every week before our games. With so many local rivals this season, I’m sure these will be much more interesting than the tedious match previews elsewhere. I’d like to welcome both Tim and Ryan to the site. You’ll be seeing their stuff on TSS shortly.